If you are in need of any help or assistance, please find a list of helplines and resources here.
Helplines and weblinksAs an employer, it is our responsibility to ensure that all 2,300 of our employees are healthy and happy in the workplace.
Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to function within their own environment. Last year in the UK, it was reported that stress accounted for 43% of all working days lost due to ill health and for 34% of all work-related ill health cases. It is important to highlight that out of these figures, 95% of employees specified a reason other than workplace stress for their absence due to stigma.
The number of Construction workers suffering work-related ill-health each year is parallel to the number of workers injured in site accidents.
As an employer, we want to ensure that any sickness absence is minimised, but not at the cost of our workforces well-being. Presenteeism and the thought that you must go to work even if you are not well may be a prominent issue. A healthier and happier workforce can impact positively on efficiency and prosperity. In times of uncertainty, protecting the health of the workforce becomes even more critical.
Danny Sullivan Group is an organisation in which individuals thrive, feel appreciated and are able to talk to their manager about stress and mental health issues.
Danny Sullivan Group Mental Health Champions
Our Health & Safety team at Danny Sullivan Group have developed a Mental Health Champion program that will be initially rolled out amongst our London based sites. We have chosen a number of Crossrail sites to pilot the program and have handpicked a small group of site supervisors to appoint as DSG Mental Health Champions. Our champions will receive group training on site to enable them to identify and support colleagues who may be struggling with mental health issues. The aim of the program is to promote positive mental health, encourage better physical health and support wellbeing which in turn will make our sites safer.
DSG Mental Health Champion training will provide our workforce with the skills to recognise the symptoms of common mental health problems, provide initial support to prevent the problem from getting worse, and effectively guide a person towards the right support services.
We have put together the DSG Guide to Financial Wellbeing, which includes plenty of tips on how to make your money go further, along with several free resources around financial wellbeing. Download the guide below!
If you are in need of any help or assistance, please find a list of helplines and resources here.
Helplines and weblinks